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Be assets not liabilities secretaries told

Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda has called on Professional Secretaries to be Creative, Innovative and Professional as their play a big role in the success of any given organization.

Mr Chanda  told them to develop a habit of using the World Secretary’s Day to speak-out and break the silence on the Abuses and Harassment  subjected to in the course of duty.

Speaking when he was the Guest of Honour during that World Professional Secretary’s Day  held on the Copperbelt in Luanshya, he said he was aware that some secretaries have been subjected to various kinds of abuse by their employers and clients.

He said time has come for them to use the Secretary’s Day to speak out for their rights and dignity as professionals and the Zambian government will protect them.

“ It has come for you to speak out I am aware of the fact that some secretaries have been subjected to various forms of abuse and harassment in the course of duty this has to come to an end now. As professional you need to break the silence. Abash! abuse of secretaries,” he said.

He said the theme for this year’s Secretaries Day, Professional Secretary  ‘the Indispensable Assistant’, highlights the important role the secretary plays in achieving organizational goals for the companies they work for.

Mr Chanda said forthe work of secretaries to be actualized there is need for them to change their attitudes, their work culture and the way they perceive themselves.

Luanshya Mayor has called on companies and individual bosses to recognize the importance of the secretarial profession by honoring deserving secretaries for the good work done throughout that day.

He commended the Professional Secretaries Association of Zambia (PSAZ) for not only using the commemoration of the World Secretary‘s Day for merry making but also to empower the general membership through motivational talk and financial literacy presentation.

Speaking during the same occasion PSAZ President Matakala Mabuku appealed to secretaries throughout the country to upgrade their skills and strive for professional perfection.

She said it was important for secretaries to learn new skills and embrace technology so that technology as a threat to their professional existence.

The PSAZ President called on secretary’s to strive for a good image for the their profession and the organisations they work for and avoid being seen as people acting as a barrier between clients and their bosses.

PSAZ Coordinator Beenzu Kapalasa called on secretaries in the country to continue working as one team under one professional organization.

This is contained in a statement issued by Luanshya Municipal Council Public Relations Manager Gideon Thole.

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