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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Baroste mall Hungry Lion in Mongu found with rotten Chicken

Baroste mall Hungry Lion in Mongu found with rotten Chicken

By Staff Writer 

Mongu Municipal Council through the Department of Public Health has closed Hungry Lion restaurant at Baroste Mall.

Mongu council public relations officer Emmanuel Lupikisha said that the restarurant was closed after a discovery of 60kgs of rotten chickens at their premise

He said that this is contrary to the Food Safety Act No. 7 of 2019 and Public Health Act Cap 295 of the Laws of Zambia.

“This was done during the routine inspections by health inspectors in the wake of Cholera outbreak. The Hungry Lion restaurant will open once all measures are put in place including the fixing of the licking roof,” he said.

Mr Lupikisha said local authority intensified surveillance on all food handling premises as a way to prevent cholera in the district following the surge of Cholera case in the country.

He also said that the council is calling on all business houses and residents to maintain high level hygiene to help in the fight against Cholera.

“Members of the public are advised to report cases of been served not well-prepared foods and suspected rotten food items to the local authority,” he said