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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Ban Tobacco sales near schools – ZATC

Ban Tobacco sales near schools – ZATC

By Staff Writer
The Zambian Alliance for Tobacco Control (ZATC) has appealed to Government to ban advertising and selling of tobacco products near school premises.

ZATC Vice President Aaron Chansa said displaying of tobacco products at points of sale near schools constitutes, in itself, advertising and promotion of the products to school-going children.

Mr Chansa said the display of the tobacco products and use thereof around and within school premises stimulates impulse buying of the products by learners.

He said it also gives the impression that it is socially acceptable for tobacco to be consumed by anyone without exception.

Mr Chansa both the display and the consumption of the tobacco products make it difficult for tobacco consumers to quit taking the said products.

“To ensure that points of sale of tobacco products do not have any promotional elements, Zambia as a party to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control should introduce a total ban on any display and/or sale of the said products, including fixed retail outlets and street vendors close to any school,” he said.

He said advertising tobacco products may seem relatively harmless, but it has strong influence on children and adolescents.