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Avoid being used as tools of violence Ngosa urged the youths.

People’s Alliance for Change (PAC) Parliamentary candidate for Kantanshi Mufurila constituency Chibwana Ngosa has urged the youths not be used as tools of violence by some politicians.

Mr Ngosa said that he is disappointed with some politicians in Mufulira who are using the Youths and cadres to attack other political parties after paying them and buying them beers.

He said though the the youths are facing numerous challenges today, they should avoid not be used as tools to cause violence because there the future leaders of tomorrow.

Mr Ngosa said that youths should embrace and cherish the peace the country is enjoying because once destroy it they be nowhere to run to.

“As People’s Alliance for Change, we have distanced our selves from violence because we are peaceful party and that’s the reason why we don’t even use security as we are moving. We are not suppose to be slaves in our own country, there will be no Mufulira and Zambia apart from the one we have, so let’s be accountable of what we do,” he said.

He said politicians should stop using the youths as stepping stone to get where they want to be instead they should concentrate on their party manifesto to convince the people to vote for them.

Mr Ngosa said that Zambia is a Christian Nation and people should uphold Christian values of peace and unity.