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Zambia Police opens docket against Airtel Zambia

By Kanchele Kanchele Zambia Police Service have opened a Criminal docket against Airtel Networks Zambia one of the country’s biggest mobile phone service provider.  This follows the successful lodging of a complaint by Lusaka based Journalist Thomas Allan Zgambo. Mr Zgambo alleges that former Special Assistant to Late President Michael Sata, George Chellah and other […]

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Five cars bashed at the funeral in Chililabombwe

Five cars have been hit by a Congo bound truck on the Congo International route at the traffic lights near Willies Guest house in Chililbombwe. The Independent Observer Outside News Source Charles Chama says, there was no fatality recorded. The vehicles were parked along the Highway as is regularly the case, thereby being hit by […]

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Katuba market shelter please Nchanga MP

By ALICE NACHILEMBE  The construction of Kubuta Market shelter in Kapisha is taking shape with 70 percent of the works done. Nchanga Member of Parliament Chali Chilombo was pleased with the progress on the construction of the Market shelter when he visited the site. Mr Chilombo said the market shelter which is been done at […]

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Police refute ‘Sinazongwe shooting story’

By JOHN SAKALA Southern Police Chief Bonny Kapeso has refuted the Sinazongwe shooting story alleging that 40 have been shot dead. Mr Kapeso has told The Independent Observer in an interview that the story running on social media headlined ‘40 shot dead in Sinazongwe’ is fake,misleading, sensationally written to alarm the nation. He said what […]

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Gender Minister wants focal point persons in place

By Staff Writer Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri has requested all line Ministries to implement the National Gender Policy by ensuring that the gender focal point persons are incorporated in all activities. Ms Phiri has said that the continued employment disparities between men and women in both public and private sectors is agonising and requires […]

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KCM refutes Daily Mail cobalt story

…calls for responsible journalism By JOHN SAKALA Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) has refuted the article on “alleged cobalt scam” reported in the Daily Mail of September 4, 2018 with great concern. See related story: Govt taxes KCM cobalt-Mines PS KCM Corporate Affairs General Manager Eugene Chungu has told The Independent Observer that KCM unequivocally refutes the unfounded […]

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