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The Independent Observer > Articles by: The Independent Observer

Chiwempala market baptised by fire 

By ALICE NACHILEMBE Fire has swept through Tuisunge shopping complex at Chiwempala market reducing all the merchandise in the shops to debris. See: Chiwempala market in Chingola gutted The inferno that swept through the six shops started around 01:00 hours and was quenched by the Chingola Municipal Council fire fighters. However, one of the fire fighters […]

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PF wins Lubwa to silence noisy NDC

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has retained the Lubwa ward seat in the just ended by-election. PF candidate Juilus Kaunda polled 1215 beating two other contenders from the United Party for National Development (UPND) Brian Mwewa and National Democratic Congress Party (NDC) Jonathan Banda UPND got 510 votes while NDC’S candidate had […]

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Voting in Lubwi underway

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA Voting in Lubwa ward is underway amid tight security provided by Zambia Police at some polling stations. Voting started at exactly 06:00 hours is expected to close at 18:00 hours. Some polling stations like Matete secondary and Riverain primary had tight security due to an incident that happened at Matete secondary just […]

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RB’s son Andrew annoyed tribal sentiments

Ex-President Rupiah Banda’s eldest son Andrew Banda is gutted by tribal sentiments being made by some senior Government officials. Mr Banda, who has previously supported UPND, is warning against promoting tribalism. He said tribalism was threatening national peace and unity. “If there is trouble in this county some of us have nowhere to run to. […]

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Zamtel connects over 3.3 million subscribers

By JOHN SAKALA Zamtel’s shareholder, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has commended the national network provider for crossing the three million subscriber base. IDC Group CEO, Mr Mateyo Kaluba said the record increase in mobile subscribers to the Zamtel network over the past two years had increased by over 175% from 1, 244, 117 in […]

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