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The Independent Observer > Articles by: The Independent Observer

Chipangali needs dedicated teachers- Council Chairperson

By ALICE NACHILEMBE Chipangali Town Council Chairperson has appealed to the Ministry of General Education to deploy teachers who are dedicated to duty and willing to serve in Chipangali. The Council Chairperson was reacting to a statement made by Chipangali District Education Board Secretary Ms Felistus Nkoloma that the district is producing poor results among […]

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2 missing children of Indian origin found

By ALICE NACHILEMBE Police in Lusaka have found the two children of Indian origin who were reported to have been abducted on Monday September 13, 2021 in Lusaka by a maid. Police have also arrested three suspects  who are being interrogated for abduction. Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo also said Police have recovered the motor vehicle […]

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UPND Kapijimpanga ward Councillor elected Deputy Mayor

By ALICE NACHILEMBE UPND Kapijimpanga ward Councillor Alex Pupe has been elected as new Solwezi Deputy Mayor following the elections held yesterday during the first ordinary Council meeting after the 2021 General Elections. Solwezi Municipal Council Town Clerk Bornwell  Luanga who performed functions of the Returning Officer declared Councillor Pupe as duly elected after amassing […]

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Govt must establish commercial farms in provinces

By ALICE NACHILEMBE Copperbelt University Agroforestry student Ernest Sinyinza says Government must embark on an ambitious project to establish Commercial farms in each Province, of at least 10,000 hectares. Mr Sinyinza said each Province would focus on one or two core crops/livestock that is adaptable to its agro ecological zone. He said for instance, Luapula […]

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