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The Independent Observer > Articles by: The Independent Observer

President Lungu salutes Mulenga Kapwepwe

I wish to congratulate Ms. Mulenga Mpundu Kapwepwe for being named as one of BBC’s 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2020. Ms Kapwepwe’s recognition is great news for Zambia and must serve as an inspiration to the young women and girls in our nation searching for role models and mentors. […]

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Stop using voters to fight battles

Dear Editor I write to appeal to politicians to stop the tendency of using us the voters to fight their battles when it suits them. Zambia is a very peaceful nation not because of politicians but because of the tolerance most well meaning Zambians have attached to divergent views, especially when it comes to the […]

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Dam at Kafue Gorge Lower filled

By Staff Writer Zesco Spokesperson Henry Kapata says the process of the filling up of the dam at Kafue Gorge Lower has been completed. Mr Kapata said the dam is being observed for structural integrity and reliability. “Meaning that, after the dam filling, the next stage is to gradually and steadily fill up the tunnel […]

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Lungu gives K120, 000 to Chingola clerics

By JOHN SAKALA President Edgar Lungu has given K120, 000 to Chingola clerics that have formed cooperative to start farming. And President Lungu also empowered Kasompe markets in Chingola with K60, 000 under the Presidential Empowerment Fund (PEF). President Lungu who sent Chingola Member of Parliament Matthew Nkhuwa to deliver the money on his behalf, […]

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Alick Nkhata Flyover Bridge is a scandal

By Staff Writer The Alick Nkhata Flyover Bridge is a scandal, a death trap and must be removed, an engineer Francis Mukuka has said. Mr Mukuka had questioned the motive behind erecting a flyover where it was not necessary. “Everything about that bridge is a scandal. It was not supposed to be there in the […]

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Man sets wife ablaze, poisoned self

A 25-year-old man poisoned himself after he set ablaze his 21 year old wife using Kerosene. Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said Shepherd Chisala and Agnes Kafupi were rushed to Levy Mwanawasa Hospital where Chisala died the same day while his wife was admitted in the ICU. Ms Katongo said Kafupi sustained serious burns and later […]

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