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The Independent Observer > Articles by: The Independent Observer

Money for ECZ stolen at Mazabuka council

Thieves have broken into the Finance Department offices at Mazabuka Municipal Council, stealing an undisclosed sum of money. The thieves broke into the Expenditure office at night and damaged the safe, before going away with the cash. This is the office where money for all Electoral Commission of Zambia -ECZ- related payments of voter registration […]

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Baby choked to death by Brest Milk

Police in Maamba had recorded a report of sudden and unnatural death of a five day-old-baby who was choked by brest milk. Deputy Police Spokesperson Danny Mwale said the baby died after being chocked by the breastmilk whilst being breastfed. Mr Mwale said Rose Mugala 24 started breastfeeding her baby on November 25, 2020 at […]

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Cabinet approves seven bills

Government has approved seven bills pivotal in the implementation of the 2021 National Budget. These are the Zambia Revenue Authority, Income Tax, Customs and Excise, Property Transfer Tax, Value Added Tax, Skills Development Levy and Mines and Minerals Development Amendment Bills of 2020. The bills shall be published pending their introduction in the current session […]

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Couple arrested for stealing a child

Police in Chalimbana have arrested a couple in connection with the Offence of Child Stealing. Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said the mother of the child reported that her six year-old child has gone missing on October 27 2020 in Palabana area. Ms Katongo said that the child was picked by an unknown woman who the […]

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