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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Amb Rose Sakala Pays Respect To Zambian Fallen Soldiers Who Are Buried In Ethiopia

Amb Rose Sakala Pays Respect To Zambian Fallen Soldiers Who Are Buried In Ethiopia

Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Rose Sakala said it was imperative that Zambia honours her heroes wherever they lie, and wherever they are as they fought for the good of the country.

Speaking in Addis Ababa when she led Zambians living in Ethiopia and Members of staff at the Embassy, to pay respect to Zambian fallen soldiers that lie in Ethiopia, Ms. Sakala says it is important that during the commemoration of Independence, time is taken to celebrate the contributions of others who fought for freedom and peace throughout the entire world.

The nine Zambian fallen heroes are part of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment that fought in World War II alongside many nationals.

Ms Sakala laid wreaths at the tombs of the two soldiers in graves at Gulele Cemetery in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The other seven soldiers’ graves in Ethiopia are in Gonda District, where Gonda Barracks in Chipata is named after.

The Northern Rhodesia Regiment was a multi-battalion regiment raised from the protectorate of Northern Rhodesia.

The Regiment fought in World War II and was deployed in Ethiopia, Somaliland, Madagascar, the Middle East, and Burma(Myanmar).

This issued by Ms Inutu Mwanza First Secretary (Press & Tourism) Zambia Embassy

Addis Ababa, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia