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The Independent Observer > OS > Africa is only strong in mischief

Africa is only strong in mischief

By Steve Misori in Kenya
It is only in Africa where everything is for something and there is nothing that is not for anything.

This is the kind of philosophy that is truly draining the continent of her hard earned cash and her valuable natural resources. Just where the truth in our leaders’ is continued insistence that they are protecting Africa?

Steve Mark Misori

Africa is not doing any better in all spheres and parameters of development. In almost all the countries, the chorus is one and the same; corruption. Bribery has taken the toll with reports indicating that qualifications are only looked at to confuse reason.

Politicians buy power, job seekers buy jobs, students buy academic certificates and even parents bribe their children to do well in examinations. This kind of rot is truly designed in Africa and by Africans themselves.

Their main aim is to see a torn moral society that is weak in ideals and only strong in mischief, inefficiency and poor service delivery. Can’t Africa be any better? Why the overwhelming mess in all spheres of Africa’s economic indicators?

Corruption has to be called by name. This time the church must come out with fire blazing not only to reprimand the corrupt but also to summon their own corrupt characters and walk the talk. The society must see the church doing this honestly and then the political class will take the cue and it will be all systems go.

It is a cancer that has a long term effect to the country and never gets tired until everyone is tired. This is the only beautiful thing with corruption. It kills economies slowly by slowly by just letting lots of cash reach a few individuals.

In restoring Africanist ideals, corruption has to be swept away for it not a virtue. Let our leaders insist on genuine earnings to restore the beauty of Africa. Africa deserves better approaches to challenges that continue to render her economic progress a nightmare.

Steve Mark Misori, is the Columnist at The Independent Observer. His column dubbed ‘Solemn Voice’ has become a prominent feature of the media company.

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