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Address socio-economic issues-Bible society Zambia

The Bible society of Zambia President Webster Nonde has underscored the need to address socio-economic issues affecting citizens.

Speaking at the official opening of the African Biblical Initiative (ABLI) conference held at Raddison Blu in Livingstone, Mr Nonde stated that challenges such as nepotism and corruption hinder development in Zambia and the African continent as a whole.

Mr Nonde added that there is need for Christians to take up Leadership in all aspects of life to foster growth and impact good morals in the younger generation.

Speaking at the same even country youth representative Francis Jere urged the church to ensure that it provides opportunities that is needed for youths in the country.

Mr Jere said that the apparent division between the church and the youth is not helping anyone as the youth are feeling judged by the party that is supposed to protect them from social injustices.

And keynote speaker Theologian Joe Kapolyo encouraged the general citizenry to shift away from the western borrowed culture to pave way for personal and economic growth.

Reverend Kapolyo added that Zambia is endowed with natural resources that when properly utilized can bring about the much-desired change and poverty can be eradicated.

Speaking at the same event, ABLI moderator Justice Catherine Bamugemeriere said there is need for all Africans should take up biblical leadership principles they will serve as catalysts of change in the continent.

And Guest of Honor Southern Province Permanent Secretary Namaani Moonze that to eradicate poverty in the country there is need for concerted efforts from both the church and political leaders.

Mr Moonze added that socioeconomic challenges as corruption and poverty are one government’s priorities and measures have been put in place address these challenges.

The African Biblical leadership initiative ABLI forum is held under the theme: Rethinking Biblical values to catalyze social change and it is being attended by representatives from Zimbabwe, Uganda Britain and Zambia.