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Address barriers denying women opportunities-Siliya

By Ireen Mulenga
Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya says government should address social and systemic barriers that deny women opportunities for a decent life and hinder their participation in leadership.

Ms Siliya who is also Chief Government Spokesperson said since the beginning Covid-19 pandemic, women have faced increased domestic violence, unpaid care duties, unemployment and poverty.

She said this in a statement, that governments need to focus on addressing these issues to achieve an equal future in a Covid-19 world.

“We have observed with regret that despite women making up a majority of front-line workers, there is disproportionate and inadequate representation of women in national and global COVID-19 policy spaces. National governments and global bodies should ensure that there is change in this regard” she said.

Ms Siliya said there is need to uphold women’s rights and to fully leverage the potential of women’s leadership in pandemic preparedness and response.

She said the governments and global bodies have no choice but to integrate the perspectives of women and girls in all of their diversity.

Ms Siliya appealed to national government and global bodies to come to the aid of all those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.