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The Independent Observer > Headlines > A week old baby damped

A week old baby damped

By Staff Writer
Police  in Lusaka has received a report in which some pupils at Hillside Combined School in Matero Township found a body of a baby girl believed to be 1-week old in the School playground.

The body was discovered on, September 7, 2023 at 06:50 hours.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Danny Mwale said brief facts of the matter are that the Headteacher of the School was in her office when pupils informed her that there was a body of a baby in the School ground.

Mr Mwale said the Headteacher rushed to the scene and confirmed the report and further reported the matter to the Police who found the baby wrapped in a Chitenge material.

The same has since been buried at Chingwere cementary awaiting exhumination and postmortem.