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The Independent Observer > Op-Ed > A vital link to your restoration could be a person you do not expect

A vital link to your restoration could be a person you do not expect

By Rev Clifford Chisha
If the army commander of the Aramian, Naaman was expecting to find someone to link him to a lasting solution to his skin disease, most likely his wife’s servant was out of question.

Naaman’s wife had a young girl who was serving her.

She had been taken captive by the Aramian army from Israel.

2KINGS 5:2

“Now bands from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife”.

It’s highly unlikely that she could even have been considered to be among those the army commander and his wife could consult on matters of health.

She was just a young foreigner whose job was to serve Naaman’s wife.

Naaman didn’t know that the link to his restoration was very close to him.

The link to his healing was serving his wife.

The young captive had vital information that led Naaman to a place of his restoration.

She passed on very helpful information to Naaman through his wife.

2 KINGS 5:3

She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.”

The young girl had a good heart, she did not withhold helpful information.

Do not hesitate to provide helpful information when you find yourself in a position to do so.

Take it as a privilege and a blessing to be a link to someone’s solution.

You could be a great person like Naaman, maybe with a well-paying job but you have a big challenge.

Be sensitive and good even to those you think depend on you or have nothing tangible to offer.

They could be a link to a lasting solution to your challenge.

Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram.

He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram.

He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy.

Your status in the society or nation does not guarantee you a life free of challenges.

You may need help and the link to that could be a person you don’t expect, maybe a person you despise.

Naaman did manage to go to Samaria and in the final analysis got his restoration.

2KINGS 5:14

So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.

The story of Naaman’s restoration cannot be complete without the mentioning of the young girl from Israel.

Remember those that linked you to your appointment, business, employment and other opportunities.

They are part of your story.

Most likely, you are where you are because of someone. Yes, someone Jehovah used.

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