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The Independent Observer > Headlines > A mini ablution block can’t cost K209 000-GPZ

A mini ablution block can’t cost K209 000-GPZ


The Golden party of says it is shocked to learn that Kitwe City Council was able to build a mini ablution block at a very high cost of K209 000.

GPZ Deputy Secretary General Rapheal Chiyuka says Building an ablution block at the Hospital mortuary was a welcome idea, but the cost is questionable.

Mr Chiyuka says that the project does not in any way match the cost.

He said this is not the first time such an occurrence is happening many other projects that the current government has embarked on being done at very expressive costs.

Mr Chiyuka has called upon the relevant authorities such as Anti-Corruption Commission of Zambia (ACC) to investigate the matter and have the people responsible face the Law.

He said Corruption is a cancer that that has kept on eating Zambia and the entire Africa.