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 A good leader plans for the future

…pharaoh saw a leader in the prisoner Joseph.

By Rev Clifford Chisha

Key Scripture: Genesis 41:14-44

A good leader has his eyes on both today and tomorrow.

We cannot manage to run away from the future. It is coming; it is on its way.

Providing solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges is one of the major reasons we need leadership.

Most of the challenges we are facing today as families, churches and organisations are as a result of having had leaders who were not futuristic.

Some leader failed to scan the future, provide leadership to help prepare for the future and get into the future with plenty.

My fellow leader, we need to be very careful. Tomorrow is coming and if we behave as though there is no tomorrow, we risk becoming irrelevant and guilt of causing the suffering of many.

“This proposal pleased Pharaoh and all his servants.” (Genesis 41:37).

Pharaoh had two dreams, the magicians and all the wise men of Egypt he summoned failed to interpret them.

After a testimony from the chief cupbearer, an ex-prisoner who once shared the prison space with Joseph, he told out the story about Joseph.

Then Joseph was released from the prison and ushered into Pharaoh’s palace to help interpret the dreams.

By the special grace of God, Joseph interpreted the dreams.

The dreams revealed two major things or future occurrences; there was going to be seven years bumper harvest and thereafter, seven years of famine.

The famine had the capacity to cause the seven years of great plenty to be forgotten.

Joseph did not only interpret the dreams, but tabled a proposal before Pharaoh had to mitigate the seven years of famine.

That great proposal made Pharaoh to see a leader in Joseph.

The Pharaoh of that time was very smart.

Joseph proposed that Pharaoh appoint a discerning and wise leader to be in-charge of all the land of Egypt to ensure that food reserves are made and one-fifth of food harvested every year is stored in reserves.

He further proposed that overseers be appointed to help take one-fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt during the seven plentiful years.

Now, the question is, ‘What was in Joseph’s proposal?’ the future.

Yes, a secured future.

Joseph was thinking of the future.

This prisoner had his eyes on both the seven years of plenty and on the seven years of famine.

The future was going to come with opportunities and challenges.

He made a proposal that provided a solution to the challenging future.

Interpreting the dreams and proposing something that was going to help the nation of Egypt secure its future which was inevitable, made Joseph secure a permanent release from prison and amazing elevation as Prime Minister.

A smart leader has the ability to identify people who think about the future and incorporate them into his team.

Pharaoh did just that.

Joseph’s proposal created vacancies which needed to be filled.

Pharaoh was pleased with the proposal and Joseph was made to fill the top vacancy.

He became second in command to Pharaoh.

Assembling people who have eyes on today only for leaders is an assault on tomorrow.

In all spheres of life, we need leaders who are interested in both today and tomorrow.

Leaders who work hard to secure tomorrow today are needed.

The Lord Jesus Christ of the future.He secured for us eternity with Himself through His death and resurrection.


He prepared well for eternity.

He saw eternity, prepared for it and ushered us into it.

If you are a leader who is surrounded by leaders who are not thinking of the future, your future is not bright.

There is no place to hide from the future. It is on its way and it will expose our eyes.

Did we have eyes that saw both today and tomorrow?

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