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A good leader knows when to delegate

…. Lessons from the leadership of David.

By Rev Clifford Chisha

Key Scripture: 2 Samuel 11:1-26

When a leader decides to stay away from the battle he is supposed to lead, he commits a crime that will lead to more crimes.

There are certain battles which are only supposed to be led by the team leader.

There are issues that need the top-most leader to address, and if done by others, he faces terrible consequences.

A good leader knows what to delegate and when to delegate.

“Then it happened in the spring, at the time when the kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all [the fighting men of] Israel, and they destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.”

(2 Sam 11:1)

David was the king and it was the mandate for Kings to lead the battle but he stayed back.

The King then opted to delegate to his Army General Joab to go with all the fighting men of Israel to a battle he was supposed to lead.

When you are a leader who only has yourself to get permission from; high levels of discipline is required.

If you don’t employ high levels of discipline you will be vulnerable.

It’s like David gave himself permission to be absent from the battle field.

He gave himself permission to be absent from a very critical battle.

It was not just any other battle, but a battle which used to take place after each year had expired.

Some Bible scholars say that the timing of the battle was very significant.

This battle used to take place at a time when a year was elapsing and a new one was approaching.

The King needed to lead his fighting men as that battle was fought to secure the approaching New Year.

The King was supposed to silence his enemies, dominate them and instill fear in them to avoid attacks from them.

Imagine the battle David gave himself permission to be absent from.

Oh David! Why?

Now my leader, imagine how often you stay away from making critical decisions.

Others lead the battles you are supposed to lead.

Absent from the battle field but early waiting for a report from the battle field. He is restless and he goes on top of his flat roof just in case someone was coming from the battle with news he needed.

Instead he sees Bathsheba bathing.

He was walking on a flat roof of his palace when he saw her, got attracted and letter on made arrangements to commit adultery.

Bathsheba got pregnant, the King decided to withdraw her husband from the battle and tried to incriminate him but failed.

Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband was a much disciplined warrior, he did not fall for David’s tricks.

In fact warriors were forbidden from knowing their wives in times of battle so that they could preserve their strength.

At David’s instruction, Uriah was put in the battle front and was killed.

OH, faithful and disciplined warrior Uriah went for good, just like that.

What caused Uriah’s death?

David’s absentia from the battle he was supposed to lead.

Look at the chain of events and the consequences of the leader’s absence from the battle:

  • absent from the battle field

  • saw Bathsheba bathing

  • committed adultery with Bathsheba

  • Withdrawal of Uriah from the battle field… caused shortage of human power

  • involving Joab in the murdering of Uriah

  • The murder of Uriah…Bathsheba becomes a widow and David a murderer.

My fellow leaders, let endeavor to be found at right places at right times.













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