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A good employee gives his employer peace of mind

Integrity is doing the right thing even in the absence of the people you serve.

Stewardship is taking good care of another person’s business or property as though it is yours.

Most of the things we handle, we do on behalf of others. We are just stewards.

We handle people’s time, information, finances, properties, lives and many other things.

There is great need of faithful stewards in this generation.

Integrity and faithfulness are sides of one coin.

In this generation, integrity, stewardship and faithfulness are rare virtues.

Integrity and its twin brother to faithfulness. The two virtues are talked about more than they are practiced.

Integrity is usually present in speeches but absent in action.

Leaders who perform very well under minimal supervision give their employers or supervisors the peace of mind.

Do you give your immediate supervisor the peace of mind?

Can you be trusted and entrusted with valuable things?

When you are a leader who knows what is required of you and you do just that in the presence and absence of your leader, you are a man of integrity.

You are a faithful leader who deserves to be trusted.

In the absence of their supervisors, many people concentrate less on their work.

“So he left all that he had in Joseph’s charge, and because of him he had no concern about anything but the food he ate.”


Potiphar made Joseph overseer in his house and over all that he had and because of him, he had no concern about anything, except the food he ate.

There are various reasons why Potiphar trusted Joseph and allowed him to work under minimal supervision.

Joseph was a faithful leader, a man of integrity he was.

He was ready to do right things even in the absence of his master.

When an evil opportunity to sleep with his master’s wife presented itself, he refused to take it up.

(GENESIS 39:8-10)

“Far be it from me that I should admit you are right [in your accusations against me]; until I die, I will not remove my integrity from me.” JOB 27:5

He was faithful to both the living God and his master.

Joseph concentrated on his work.

He understood his duties and knew his boundaries.

A good leader knows his limits.

Of course, were various other reasons why Potiphar entrusted his estate to Joseph and ‘relaxed’.

He saw that the LORD was with him and caused all that he did to succeed.

(GENESIS 39:3)

For Joseph’s sake, the blessing of the LORD was upon all that Pharaoh had, both in the house and field.

(GENESIS 39:5)

A faithful leader who is full of integrity and a good steward gives his leader (supervisor) the peace of mind.

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