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A Glimpse of China shows referential experience in social development on TopStar’s StarTimes

Recently a series of documentaries named A Glimpse of China received quite some notice after airing on StarTimes. These documentaries show real cases of current status of Chinese society and the progress they have gained during the recent decades, which refresh audience’s impressions on the eastern country in the past.

From China’s fight against poverty to economic development, infrastructure development to culture, education and health, industrial and agricultural development, commerce, e-commerce and the environment, 5G, Internet big data and the changes and feelings for visitors to China, it witnessed and explained the remarkable contribution of the ruling party of China to promoting cooperation and development in China and in other countries.

In A Glimpse of China, there are vivid samples to illustrate the prosperity and advanced changes in daily life, including the winter travel route in Beijing, the African martial master in China, the introduction of Shenzhou-13 astronauts enter space station core module, the wildlife stories in Yunnan province. Meanwhile, from the perspective of the African living in China it tells stories about: International Student from Africa sang a Chinese rap song to hail achievements in rural vitalization and social development; African youth representatives visited villages in Jiaxing, and had hands-on experience in the making of painting on water chestnut, sugar cake and other intangible cultural heritages, etc. The audience can access various themed videos on the APP StarTimes ON.

Aside from samples of economic achievement, environment and biological diversity protection is also featured in the documentaries. As COP 15 was held in China this year, it shows the comment of Ms. Elizabeth Mrema, executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as: “China has been one of our biggest donor countries to the core budget of the convention and the protocol particularly since 2019. Restoration efforts that China has carried out over the last decade clearly represent a good model for future work particularly under our own on-going decade of ecosystem restoration under the United Nations.”

The Chinese ruling party not only has led China towards prosperity, but has also boosted the long-term and stable development of relationships between Africa and China since decades ago. To the current achievement of China and collaborations between Africa and China, the representatives of African political parties expressed their good wishes for the centenary of the founding of ruling party of China and agreed that China is a model for many developing countries to follow, especially its great success in poverty alleviation, which is very worthy of reference.