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The Independent Observer > News > Lufwanyama Council approves K21m budget

Lufwanyama Council approves K21m budget

Lufwanyama Town Council has approved a budget of K21, 929, 990.00 for 2019 civic year.

Presenting the budget the newly elected Finance Human Resources and General Purposes Committee Chairperson Annie Kapandula said that the money will be generated from various sources including Government grant and local revenues.

Ms Kapandula said the budget would be financed through Local Government Equalization Fund, Constituency Development Fund and other recipients and also from Local Generated Funds Local Taxes, Charges and fees.

She said the Council has set aside K619, 652.00 to motivate ward Development Committees and K1200 towards ward development committee’s administration cost per month per ward up on submission of monthly reports.

Ms Kapandula said that 40 percent translating to K5, 069,228.00 of the money will be used for service delivery and the other K11, 805.00 will be channeled to emoluments of salaries.

She said that the committee has lined up programs and activities specifically aimed at addressing some community priorities. “

Ms Kapandula said that 20 percent translating to K 700,000.00 of locally generated revenue has been channeled on use for capital projects of goods and services which includes provision of standard.

She said that this is in a bid to improve the living standards of the people.

Council Chairperson Moses Chiyuka has urged management to work hard and generate the funds for the budget is to meet the targeted projects in the district

Mr Chiyuka has commended management for coming up with a good and promising budget.

He gave credit to the Councillors who debated the budget unto the time it was approved and in the manner it was presented.

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