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Intangible cultural heritage makes headways

The first project under the auspices of the Intangible cultural Heritage ICH to be published soon.

Zambia’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Christine Kaseba-Sata said the project which is a 31 paged booklet entitled ‘Proverbs of the Lala’ Ethic Group in Central Zambia would be published as a result of one year of research.

Dr Kaseba said that 20 custodians and practitioners were trained by UNESCO accredited facilitators in inventorying Intangible Cultural Heritage on the Project and thus focusing on the Lala proverbs.

“To ensure the transmission of the inventoried ICH, the project implementers engaged teachers from various schools and community leaders in the district to create cultural groups and also use established traditional structures to pass on the tradition One of the out puts of the project is a soon to be published 31 paged booklet entitled ‘Proverbs of the Lala ethic group in Central Zambia.”

“In 2016, Zambia received U.S dollars $25,000 from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund through the International Assistance project for the inventorying of Proverbs of the Lala Ethnic group of Luano district in the Central part of Zambia,” she said.


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