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The Independent Observer > News > Trucks parking in town in Chingola

Trucks parking in town in Chingola

A concerned resident in Chingola is dismayed that heavy duty trucks are parking in town during the night and also moving in the central business district during the day.

He said in a statement to The Independent Observer that the trucks have a tendency of parking on pavements which is a hazard.

“We have a lot of empty yards in Mwaiseni and land out of town where these trucks can park. Let our local Chingola businesses be empowered by having these trucks park in these yards.”

“Tuckers think its ok to park their trucks in town pay nothing for parking, use toilets in the local night clubs and cook outside. They are putting a lot of lives at risk, some of these trucks carry very dangerous goods” he said.

He lamented that the trucks can shorten the life span of the newly constructed roads in the town.

And Chingola mayor Titus Tembo said that the council is erecting signage in the CBD as a means of discouraging truckers from parking their trucks in town.

Mr Tembo has called on truckers to discontinue parking in the CBD as there are designated places to park the trucks.

He said that council will no condom the lawlessness being exhibited this has promoted other vices such as prostitution to take root especially in Mwaiseni area.

The mayor alleged that once the sings are put up all that do not comply with the law will be charged.

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