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Action Aid fighting gender imbalance

Action Aid Zambia says women are vital part of society, their inclusion in the mining sector will be vital to achieving sustainable development.

Action Aid Country Director Nalucha Ziba said the organization seeks to develop a policy that will address the existing gender imbalance in the mining sector.

Ms Ziba said this at a two days’ workshop held in Chingola where she addressed women from mining communities in Chingola, Mufulira, luanshya and Kalumbila, under the theme ‘Advancing women’s rights in natural resource governance for sustainable development’.

She said the workshop seeks to change women imbalance in the mining sector by developing a women in mining chatter that will promote gender equity in the mining sector.

Chingola District Administration Officer Makasa Maiteneke said that the mining sector continues to view women as a buffer and not an actual resource.

Mr Makasa said research has reviewed that the exclusion of women participation in the mining sector undermines the rights of women and girls in the society.

He said that women positions in mining companies should not be limited to low positions as this will integrate women at all stages of mining.

Mr Makasa said the women mining chatter will through dialogue foster a way in which to integrate more women into the mining sector.

He thanked Action Aid Zambia for its facilitation to formulate the women mining chatter.

“My appeal is that all stake holders should support and come on board like it has been done in South Africa and other places.”

Mining companies from the communities represented where asked to attend however only Kalumbila was in attendance.


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