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Charles Musonda is new Chingola PF Boss

By Bwale Mutanuka and JOHN SAKALA
Chingola Constituency PF Chairperson Charles Musonda defended his seat and later went on to challenge Chingola Patriotic Front District chairperson Samuel Bwembya where he again got resounding victory of 102 votes against 51.

The polls which were described as transparent, violence free and fair by PF Chairperson for Elections Yamfwa Mukanga, saw Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo beat Agnes Tonga 109 to 47 as vice District PF chairperson.

Chikola Ward Councillor Martha Chanda walloped the newly reinstated McDonald Mulongoti 101 to 55 votes as District Secretary.

Chingola Deputy Mayor George Kampamba went unopposed as District PF Treasurer and he will be deputised by Chingola former Mayor Cuthbert Kalebaila who did beat two others.

Kwacha Ward Councillor Zaney Mungala retained her seat as District PF Chairperson for Women Affairs

Martin Simwaba lost to Kenny Yambayamba as Youth District PF Chairperson.

All Councillors who contested the intra-party elections won.

Speaking later after the Returning Officer Stephen Masumba had declared the winners as duly elected; Mr Mukanga implored the elected members to embrace those that had lost.

He said Chingola is known for beef within the party and he wants the new executive to harmonize the members and prosper the party.

He told the ejected leadership to do a handover so that the new leaders know where to begin from.

Full list of those elected

Main Body

District PF Chairperson Charles Musonda (Maiteneke Ward Councillor)

Vice Chairperson Titus Tembo (Chingola Mayor)

Secretary Martha Chanda (Chikola Ward Counicllor)

Vice Secretary Bernard Mwape (Kasala Ward Councillor)

Treasurer George Kampamba (Deputy Mayor/Chingola Central Ward Councillor)

Vice Treasurer Cuthbert Kalebaila

Information Publicity Secretary (IPS) William Kabuswe (Chabanyama Ward Councillor)

Vice IPS Kennedy Simpasa (Mimbula Ward Councillor)

Women’s League

Chairperson Zaney Mungala (Kwacha Ward Councillor)

Vice Chairperson Eunice Mwelwa

Secretary Barbra Chishimba

Vice Secretary Elizabeth Lungo

Treasurer Judith Mwanza

Vice Treasurer Mwango Kamushi

District Youth Leadership

Chairperson Kenny Yambayamba

Vice Chairperson Daniel Mumba (Nchanga Ward Councillor)

Secretary Soko Mumba (Buntungwa Ward Councillor)

Vice Secretary Frederick Mwansa

Treasurer Jacob Banda


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