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$40m injected into Luapula Water

…to water 210 customers

Luapula Water and Sewerage Company (LpWSC) has received US$ 40.3 million loan from government to supply clean water to 210, 000 customers.

The Zambian government in November, 2016 signed a loan agreement of USD 135 million with the African Development Fund (AFDB) for the Integrated Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project (ISTWSSP) to be implemented in Luapula, Muchinga, Northern and Western provinces.

Of the $135 million, LpWSC was loaned $40.3 million to raise the number of beneficiaries from 75,000 to 210,000 through a number of measures.

The LpWSC Managing Director Kenneth Chense says among the measures would be the  expansion of water works, construction of water treatment plants, pumping and storage reservoirs by 4,500m3.

Canon Eng Chense said the objective of the project is to expand the water supply and sanitation services in Mansa, Samfya, Mwense and Kawambwa districts of Luapula Province.

“The project will also reinstate existing sewerage systems in Mansa in order to improve the collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of sewerage

“The programme, which was launched in 2011, is a  government run road map for providing clean, safe and reliable drinking water and adequate sanitation services to residents in urban and peri-urban areas of Zambia and run will run up to 2030,” he said.

He said government, through the Ministry of Water Development Sanitation and Environmental Protection, is implementing the National Urban Water Supply and sanitation Programme (NUWSSP) aimed at expanding water and sanitation services in the provinces.

The Managing Director said last year in July he signed the loan agreement with government of USD40.3 million loan to LpWSC of financing the ISTWSSP, of which USD 6.7m is a grant.

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