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The Independent Observer > News > Ndola Pastors meeting, unlawfully political assembly-Charity Katanga

Ndola Pastors meeting, unlawfully political assembly-Charity Katanga

The Police in Ndola have charged five pastors and three officials from the Centre for Trade Policy and Development for unlawfully assembly.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga said the eight will appear in Court on Friday.

She said the meeting that the group had was ‘political’ as they did not have a police permit.

On Friday Police disrupted a meeting organized by CTPD to reflect on the proposed 2019 national budget.

The meeting was at Ndola Central Baptist Church.

Katanga said eight people were warned and cautioned on Friday.

“Yes, we have a report where people were arrested for unlawful assembly. We had information that there is a ‘political’ group that had meeting without police notification. Initially, 53 people had gathered. But only eight were picked with one Pastor George Palo who who the led convener of the meeting. So eight were picked up, a warn and caution statement recorded from them. They were arrested and detained, later released on police bond. So they will appear in court on Friday charged with unlawful assembly,” she said.

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