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The Independent Observer > Business > Zambia poised for economic BOOM-Chama

Zambia poised for economic BOOM-Chama

Minister of Defence Davies Chama says Zambia is poised for economic development owing to the ambitious development programme that the government has embarked on.

He said President Edgar Lungu has put in place a massive development programme that will see Zambia become a viable economic hub in Africa.

The Minister said this in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia yesterday when he addressed diplomatic staff and Zambians living in Ethiopia at a dinner organized at the Residence for Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Her Excellency, Ms Susan Sikaneta.

He said government was putting in mechanisms to ensure that Agriculture becomes the backbone of the country’s economy.

The Minister said the government was working at improving mechanization in Agriculture sector and completely confines the HOE to the museum.

He said it was through mechanization that the country could record the need yields.

The Minister said that defence forces were also beginning to contribute to the National Development through Agriculture. He said Zambia Army in Particular was purchasing land for Agricultural purposes while ZAF was already involved in cultivating cash crops such as soya beans and sunflower.

And Mr Chama said there was need for mind change in the country stating that there was a lot of negativity amongst Zambians towards issues of development.

He said it was unfortunate that there was a lot of negativity from Zambians towards Chinese investment. He said instead of learning from the Chinese, Zambians were condemning the investment that was being brought in the country.

The Minister urged Zambians living in the diaspora to seize the opportunity to market Zambia for increased investment.

And Zambia Army Commander General Paul Mihova who also attended the dinner assured Zambians that the country was peaceful .He said it was the core duty of the army to maintain peace in the country.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Susan Sikaneta expressed happiness at the work that government was doing to uplift the lives of Zambians.

She said the Embassy would also continue to work at promoting the country’s good image and bring investment to the country.

And Association of Zambians in Ethiopia Dr Jack Jones Zulu said the association was ready to offer technical support to the government as it has qualified Zambians in many fields working for international organizations.

He said the development of Zambia lies in the hands of all Zambians including those that where in the diaspora.

This is according to media release made available by First Secretary for Press and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Ethiopia Inutu Mwanza.

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