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The Independent Observer > News > No nudity on the Copperbelt: Katanga arrests Bread of Life Church Elder for nudity

No nudity on the Copperbelt: Katanga arrests Bread of Life Church Elder for nudity

Police in Chingola have arrested Bread of Life Church Elder for making and circulating pornographic video of his manhood.

And Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga says she will not tolerate nudity and nonsense in her province.
Ms Katanga said Charles Kalombo of 44 the Close in Town was arrested for making and circulating obscene material.

Kalombo 44, a MUM Operator at Sasol Nitrol was arrested for making a pornographic video of himself and sending it to someone’s wife.

She said the incidence happened between September 18 and October 18 this year at unknown place.

“We have picked Kalombo in connection to the allegations of circulating obscene material.

“A warn and caution statement has been recorded from Kalombo. He is detained on at Chingola Central police to help with investigation.,” she said.

Ms Katanga said Kalobo has been denied bond because his case is more of psychological matter and any effort by police to grant him bond may lead to loss of Life.

She has since warned both many and women who are fond of making and circulating pornographic material that they should it away from Copperbelt because if they do it on the Copperbelt under her jurisdiction they risk being arrested.

Kalombo will appear in court on Tuesday next week.

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