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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 5,362 Residents to Benefit from Chingola’s Cash for Work Program

5,362 Residents to Benefit from Chingola’s Cash for Work Program

By Staff Writer
The number of beneficiaries under the Cash for Work programme in Chingola has increased following the allocation of additional funds by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

Chingola Town Clerk, Namukolo Kalufyanya, has confirmed the increase in beneficiaries from 191 in per ward in August to over 200 in September.

The programme will benefit 3,449 residents in Chingola Constituency and 1,913 in Nchanga Constituency respectively.

Mr Namukolo said this surpasses the initial 992 beneficiaries, with 191 recipients per ward in Chingola and 144 in Nchanga.

Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe welcomed the expansion, emphasizing its community impact.
“It’s not just about numbers; it’s about creating local opportunities,” he said.

Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi stressed the importance of cooperation for the programme’s success.

Mr Chimupi said unity and efficient resource utilization are important and that everyone must understand their role.