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Epiroc Donates Boreholes and Kicks Off Road Safety Initiative in Chingola

Epiroc Zambia has launched a Road Safety Awareness Program for schools and has donated two boreholes to George Mwelwa and Ngosa Primary Schools, valued at over K200,000.

And Epiroc Country Manager Davis Nongera said this initiative prioritizes the well-being of the community, particularly children, who are the future and deserve safety first.

Mr Nongera said with the increasing number of vehicles on the roads, road safety education has become crucial.

He said the program aims to equip schools and students with knowledge and skills to navigate roads safely.

“It includes training traffic wardens from various schools with the help of the Road Transport Agency, followed by educational workshops and interactive sessions. Trained traffic wardens will teach students about road signs, pedestrian crossings, and the importance of adhering to traffic rules. Additionally, Go/Stop signs and reflective vests will be provided” he said.

Mr Nongera emphasized that this initiative not only teaches children to protect themselves but also fosters a culture of safety that they will carry into adulthood.

He said Epiroc is committed to supporting initiatives that reinforce a Safety First culture in communities where they operate.

“The company is also pleased about the water project at George Mwelwa and Ngosa Primary schools, recognizing the global need for safe water and contributing to the United Nations’ goal for clean water and sanitation. Nongera expressed confidence that the water system will end challenges in accessing clean drinking water for both schools and surrounding communities,” he said.

Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi who was the guest of honor acknowledged that providing quality water and proper sanitation facilities is a top government priority.

Mr Chimupi appreciated Epiroc’s support and emphasized the importance of road safety for school children, partnering with RTSA.

George Mwelwa Primary School Head Teacher Lucas Chabala thanked Epiroc for providing clean and safe drinking water, which the school previously lacked.

He also mentioned the school’s need for additional classrooms, upgraded latrines, and teachers’ housing.

Road Transport and Safety Agency Chingola Manager Samson Banda appreciated Epiroc’s support for government road safety initiatives, particularly in Chingola, which has recorded numerous traffic accidents involving learners.

And Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe commended Epiroc for supplementing government efforts, as Chingola has lost many children on the roads.

Chingola District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Noah Simulunga expressed gratitude for Epiroc’s contributions to clean water, sanitation, and child safety in the Education sector.