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The Independent Observer > News > Kalumbila Council Urges WDC to Shun Corruption and Empower Communities

Kalumbila Council Urges WDC to Shun Corruption and Empower Communities

Kalumbila Town Council Secretary Wamunyima Mumbali has urged newly elected Ward Development Committee (WDC) members in Solwezi West Constituency to shun corrupt practices and work towards effective development of their wards.

Ms. Mumbali emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability, reminding the WDC members that they represent the people from their respective wards, including the poor, families, youths, and women.

Speaking through Director of Planning Joseph Zulu, Ms. Mumbali encouraged the WDC members to actively participate in identifying projects that benefit their communities. She also stressed the need to empower women in their zonal areas and avoid partisan politics.

The Council Secretary announced that each zonal area will receive a branded bicycle, and later, each ward will receive a motorbike. Additionally, stationery will be provided to each ward office, and community centers will be constructed in all 12 wards.

Kalumbila Chief Administrative and Committee Officer Moses Ngosa emphasized the importance of collaboration between WDC members and councilors to represent the needs of local communities and secure government funding through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and other resources.

The meeting aimed to provide guidance on the establishment, composition, and functions of WDCs, as well as enlighten them on financial management, procurement processes, and the proper use of public funds.