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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Money Circulation Scheme Investigations: “Public Urged to Exercise Patience and Caution”

Money Circulation Scheme Investigations: “Public Urged to Exercise Patience and Caution”

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) acknowledges the concerns of those who have invested in such schemes, some of which the Commission has investigated, with arrests made, and others in court, to remain patient until the courts of Law have cleared such cases.

The Commission has powers, under the Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act no. 14 of 2001 as amended by the Act 44 of 2010, to conduct an investigation, effect an arrest and seize properties, including bank accounts of an individual or organization under investigations until such a matter is disposed-off by the courts of Law.

While the Commission appreciates that members of the public remain anxious about what will happen to their share of money invested in such cases, only the courts of Law have the authority to decide what to do with the seized items depending on the outcome. The court can, therefore, decide to pay back what is available to the victims and likewise make any other appropriate directive.

Members of the Public and all interested parties are encouraged to look out only for the court outcome on their cases of interest and similar matters. The Commission shall further endeavour to publicize all the outcomes using its various existing channels to the members of the Public.

We would like to clarify to the public and interested parties that, with the exception of crimes designated as non-bailable/non-bondable offenses, all offenses are eligible for bond. Therefore, individuals arrested in connection with money circulation schemes are entitled to this constitutional right. While those implicated and initially apprehended enjoy the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and are granted bond, it is advised that they refrain from participating in similar activities. It’s important to note that the bond may be revoked if they are found to be involved in comparable offenses.

Therefore, we wish to encourage the public to remain watchful and critically verify the information before investing in any business. Having a company advertise on various media platforms does not guarantee its authenticity and genuineness.


This is contained in a statement issued by Mwenge Mulenga Public Relations Officer Drug Enforcement Commission.