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The Independent Observer > Headlines > REA embarks on electrification of Maheba camp

REA embarks on electrification of Maheba camp

Works for the electrification of Meheba Refugee Settlement and surrounding areas in Kalumbila District in North Western Province have commenced.

REA Western Regional Manager Moonga Muungo disclosed that over K9.9 million will be spent on the first contract which involves putting up 33KV overhead lines on a distance of 11.44 kilometres and 400 volts overhead lines on a stretch of 10.9 kilometres.

Mr. Muungo disclosed that REA has contracted Kailjee construction Zambia limited to undertake the works and the company has since begun line route survey.

He stated that the contract will take about 252 days with the expected date of completion being July 12, 2024.

“The site handover for the first contractor was on November 3, 2023 and the contractor has since commenced line route survey. The second contractor is scheduled to be given the site by the second week of this month,” he said.

Mr. Muungo named Kananga, Meheba A and B and Jangaimo as areas expected to benefit from the electrification project.

The electrification of Meheba Refugee Settlement is part of efforts by government to modernise the area for the 34,000 persons of concern that are currently staying there.

Meheba Refugee Settlement has been in existence since 1970 without power, only depending on generators.