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Luanshya Police Uncover Scam Involving Stolen FISP

In a shocking revelation, Luanshya police have apprehended Frank Sausande, Chairperson, and Francis Phiri, Treasurer of Natwange Co-operative, for orchestrating the theft of essential farming inputs allocated under the Farmer Input Support Program (FISP).

The duo stands accused of misappropriating 51 x 50kg bags of D- compound, 51 x 50kg bags of Urea fertilizer, 17 x 10kg bags of maize seed, and 17 x 25kg bags of soya bean seeds, diverting them away from the rightful beneficiaries within the co-operative.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba disclosed that the illicit activities occurred between October 2023 and November 22, 2023, in Twashuka Township, Luanshya. The alleged perpetrators, entrusted with the distribution of farming inputs meant for the entire co-operative, reportedly took advantage of their positions to benefit personally.

Mweemba revealed, “Instead of informing the members about the required K400.00 contribution each, Mr. Sausande and the Treasurer falsely claimed that the inputs were not available. Subsequently, the duo clandestinely raised K6,800.00, equivalent to 17 packs of farming inputs, without the knowledge of the co-operative members.”

The police investigation unfolded a trail of deceit, with the suspects obtaining Authority to Deposit (ATD) and Authority to Collect (ATC) after surreptitiously depositing the funds. Further, the stolen inputs included 102 x 50kg bags of fertilizers, 17 x 10kg bags of maize seed, and 17 x 25kg bags of soya bean seeds.

Upon their arrest, Sausande and Phiri were found in possession of some of the stolen inputs, while others had already been sold. The recovered items are now secured in police custody pending further investigation. The accused are currently remanded in police custody, awaiting their court appearance to face charges related to the misappropriation of FISP inputs.