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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 3 children of the same family die in an inferno

3 children of the same family die in an inferno

Three siblings have been burnt to death in Chifuwe South area of Kabompo district, North-Western province.

This happened last Friday, September 1, around 21 hours, at Kawina village, when the grass thatched house, there were sleeping in caught fire.

Kabompo District Commissioner, Hubert Chinyanga has confirmed receiving the report of the incident.

Mr Chinyanga has identified the deceased children as Chisola Kasanga, aged 5, a boy, as well As Njinga Kasanga, aged 3, and Lillian Kasanga, Aaged 2, all girls.

And the children’s mother, Pezo Njuka, aged 37, has told ZANIS that she left them sleeping, when she went to a neighboring village to brew local beer, known as Kachasu, with a friend.