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The Independent Observer > Headlines > 500 illegal structures built on Mulonga water sewer lines face demolition

500 illegal structures built on Mulonga water sewer lines face demolition

By Staff Writer
More than 500 illegal structures built on top of sewer pipes in Lubengele Township in Chililabombwe face demolition as part of efforts to rectify constant blockages.

Both Chililabombwe Mayor Lucky Sichone and Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited (MWSC) Managing Director Ndila Hamalambo confirmed that action needed to be taken to bring sanity in the Township.

Mr. Sichone said he had received several reports of constant sewer blockages in Lubengele Township and had engaged MWSC to find a lasting solution to the problem.

He said that he led a team consisting of MWSC and the area councilor Joseph Imbula to a fact-finding mission in the area and to come up with a plan to resolve the problem.

MWSC Managing Director Ndila Hamalambo said that the problem of sewer blockages in Lubengele was mainly a social problem as most customers had built on either on top the sewer pipes or too close making routine maintenance difficult.

He said that vandalism of sewer manhole covers and dumping of solid waste was also contributed to the rampant sewer blockages.

“The problem here is mainly of a social nature. We hope that individual owners will demolish the structures built on top of pipes so that we can move in as soon as possible.  We have to work before the advent of the rainy season,” he said.

And area Ward Councilor Mr. Imbua said that the local leadership through the Ward Development Committee (WDC) will start engaging the community to sensitize them on the need to demolish structures built on top of sewer pipes.

He said that the WDC in collaboration with MWSC will continue engaging the community on combating negative practices which were affecting water and sanitation service provision.