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Head Teacher caught impersonating GCE candidate

Police in Lusaka have arrested a head teacher for personation, forgery and uttering of a false document.

The head teacher identified as Christopher Lwele of Kwashamukwenu Community Primary School in Matero is said to have personated Nathan Sikabole, a GCE candidate.

Mr Lwele was allegedly paid K1,000 by Nathan Sikabole to write math and civic education for him at Kaunda Square secondary school.

It is alleged that Nathan Sikabole forged the National Registration Card and provided it to the suspect, as he works for the National Registration Office in Kabompo District.

Police deputy spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed that the incident happened on August 8, 2023, at about 09:40 hours at Kaunda Square Secondary School in Munali area.

Mr Hamoonga said this came to light when Kaunda Square secondary school head teacher Grace Kapula aged 48 reported that a person falsely presented himself a Nathan Sikabole, a registered candidate for the GCE English Examinations that were scheduled for August 7,2023.

“Brief facts of the matter are that on the July 31, 2023, the Head Teacher received intelligence information regarding a GCE candidate named Nathan Sikabole, who was registered for two subjects: English and Civic Education, had hired someone to write the exam on his behalf. The Head Teacher conducted a background check on the registration process and obtained a facial image of the candidate.

She then put a red alert on the name in preparation for the exam date and informed the Provincial Education Office,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga added that on August 7, 2023, at 08:20 hours, a male individual presented a National Registration Card bearing the name Nathan Sikabole for the GCE English subject.

“The same person’s image was also on the card. The person was allowed to enter the exam room and write the exam. However, it was later discovered that this individual was not the same person who originally registered as Nathan Sikabole,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga also added that officials from the Provincial Education Office were called in, and they identified the male person as Christopher Lwele, aged 34