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CEJ welcomes environment Minister’s intervention in Sinazongwe

The Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) has commended Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Collins Nzovu, and his Ministry’s Permanent Secretary Dr. Douty Chibamba, for making strides in ending pollution of streams in mining communities in Zambia.

Commenting on the Minister’s recent tour of mining operations in Sinazongwe District, CEJ Head of Research Freeman Mubanga says the organization has been observing how coal mining activities in Sinazongwe, have contributed to air and water pollution.

Mr. Mubanga said CEJ conducted an independent study on Sunday, July 3, 2022, which revealed that Nkandabwe area in Sinazongwe District where Collum Coal Mine is located, has areas where water from the boreholes and wells is contaminated.

The CEJ Head of Research added that for over a year now, Sikalamba Stream and Nkandabwe Dam are declared unfit for both human and animal consumption by the Ministry of Health.

He remarks that during CEJ’s expedition in Sinazongwe District, community members in Maamba Ward cited five (5) streams in the area that are polluted with coal.

Mr Mubanga revealed that Kanzinze, Sikebbo, Siazinapi, Izuma and Lyabomba streams are polluted.

He says comunity members have noticed that sustained consumption of water brings about stomach complications characterized by severe abdominal pains.

The CEJ Heard of Research stated that people in other communities, indicated that over time, the water affects the pigmentation of the teeth from white to an unpleasant brown colour.

Mr Mubanga has since urged Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) to take radical actions in ensuring that mining firms in Sinazongwe are following the environmental laws.

“ZEMA needs to intensify compliance monitoring, environmental audits and physical inspections. Community members have been complaining about the pollution and yet little to nothing has been done to ensure that such irregularities are controlled,” he said.