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Parents warned against child Labour

Ministry of Labour and Social Security, has warned parents to desist from forcing children into economic activities.

Speaking during a special child Labour Inspection conducted in Rufunsa District, Labour Inspector, Joseph Chinyama warned parents to refrain from withdrawing their children from school to work as maids and other occupations.

Mr Chinyama said this following a tip-off by officers from Ministry of Community Development, Social Welfare Department, alleging that a grade six (6) pupil of Chipindani Primary School had been withdrawn from school by her parents to go and work as a maid in Lusaka for a named contractor who was doing works at that school.

The Labour inspector provided counselling to the autie to the victim and the teachers regarding child labour.

Mr.Chinyama further cautioned the relatives through the Aunty who was present at the time of the inspection, to inform the entire family to be weary of the Law as their actions are against the Laws that protect young Children in Zambia.

He said there is no reason that would cause any parent to commit a child to work when Government has introduced free education from grade one to grade Twelve (12).

In addition, the Labour Inspector has given an ultimatum of five days for the family and the alleged employer to ensure that the girl is back in school by Monday, 24th July 2023.

Mr. Chinyama also spoke to the named contractor on phone and instructed him to ensure that the child is in school not later than the mentioned date, failure to doing this, both the parents to the child and the contractor will be reported to the police for possible arrest and prosecution in accordance with Section 81 and 82 of the Employment Code Act. No 3, of 2019, which forbids the employment of young persons.

And speaking at the same event, the School Deputy Head, Ms. Tandiwe Kabulukutu expressed displeasure that the leaner has so far missed classes for the entire term two of the school calender.

Ms. Kabulukutu pleaded with the Labour Inspector to intervene and ensure that the child resumes her education.

She thanked the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for their prompt intervention in addressing the matter.