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Zambia pursuing policies, programmes to broaden access to education- PS

Ministry of Finance and National Planning Acting Permanent Secretary Lois Mulube says the Zambian Government is pursuing policies and programmes aimed at broadening access to education.

Speaking at a side event co-sponsored by Zambia that was held on the margins of the High Level Political Forum at United Nations Headquarters, Ms. Mulube said education was a fundamental right for all children as it enabled them to secure their rights to development and protection.

“We believe that education is an equaliser and provides a springboard that will enable our generation of children to actualise their potential,” she said.

And Ms. Mulube said the Zambian Government recognised that addressing the intergenerational cycle of poverty required empowerment of women and girls.

“By empowering women economically, we are creating an inclusive environment where their contributions can be fully recognised and valued,” said Ms. Mulube.

And speaking at the same event during a session moderated by Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations, Dr. Chola Milambo, Ministry of Finance and National Planning Acting Director – Development Planning Department, Ms. Mwila Daka highlighted some transformative actions that have been implemented by the Government to ensure that no is left behind.

Some of the programmes are the World Bank-funded Girls Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods (GEWEL) Project which aims to increase access to livelihood support for extremely poor rural women and improve access to secondary education for disadvantaged girls identified from extremely poor households in selected districts.