Blog Post



By Chiluba Chabi
Chingola Municipal Council has officially commissioned the ablution block at Kabuta Market, aimed at improving the trading environment by providing excellent sanitation facilities.

The ablution block, located in Nchanga Constituency, was constructed using both equalization and locally generated funds, amounting to a total cost of K363, 218.00.

During the commissioning ceremony, Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe emphasized the council’s commitment to creating a conducive trading environment with proper sanitation for the markets.

He stated that the council has a mandate to provide a healthy environment that ensures the safety, security, and dignity of both marketeers and customers.

And Chingola District Commissioner, Raphael Chimupi, urged the residents of Kabuta Ward to cherish and protect the infrastructure so that it can serve the community for an extended period.

Mr. Chimupi emphasized that once the infrastructure is effectively utilized, funds can be directed towards other essential developmental projects within the same area.

Meanwhile, Namukolo Kalufyanya, the Town Clerk, mentioned that the Kabuta Market Ablution Block Project was planned last year in collaboration with the WDC (Ward Development Committee) and the local community.

Ms. Kalufyanya emphasized that no achievement is too small to be recognised and expressed gratitude towards the Mayor and the Council for their numerous commissioned projects, including the Front End Loader, Tipper Trucks, Skip Bins and Utility Vehicles, a Grader, and Backhoe.

The commissioning of the ablution block at Kabuta Market marks an important step towards improving sanitation facilities and enhancing the overall trading environment. The Chingola Municipal Council’s dedication to these initiatives reflects its commitment to fostering a healthier and more prosperous community.