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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Understanding the times 

Understanding the times 

By Bishop Clifford Chisha
It is a rare but very important ability; understanding the times and knowing what needs to be done.

Inability to understand the times and seasons has cost many, especially leaders.

If one fails to read the times, they risk misleading themselves and others.

Failure to understand the times and seasons can cause us to answer questions people are not asking.
It can also cause us to make wrong decisions.

” And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”

The Hebrew word for understanding is binah, and it means “to have insight or to act with prudence.”

When it became clear that king Saul was after David’s life out of Jealousy, David fled.

King Saul persistently pursued David.

David moved from one place to another, running away from king Saul.

A good number of people decided to follow David.

They supported him and counted on him even in rough times, when he had fled to the wilderness.
He had no permanent place but they supported him.
Some started supporting him after the death of king Saul.

The Chronicler provides a good list of those who came to support David.
We find a comprehensive list in 1 Chronicles 11:10-12:40.

Among the people who supported him were the sons of Issachar.
The Chronicler reveals that they had understanding of the times to know what Israel needed to do.

They analysed the happenings and rightly recognised that God was with David and became loyal to him before it was obvious to everyone.

They knew what to do because they understood the time.
They supported David.

The sons of Issachar possessed great intelligence and wisdom.
They had great analytical skills.
These helped them to make right decisions at right times.

They had amazing insight and acted with prudence.

We should desire to have this rare but very important ability… understanding the times.
Those who have it usually rise and stay at the top.
They become influential and drive things.

Our prayer should be that the living God gives us the ability to understand the times and to do right things at right times.