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Chingola Municipal Council has commissioned a brand new grader and a backhole loader at a cost of K3 million using locally generated fund.

And Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe said that the procurement of the grader and backhole loader will enable the council improve the road network and drainages across the district

Mr Kang’ombe said improved road network will enable the people of Chingola to have easy access to facilities such as Health Centres, schools.

He said that even farmers will be helped the furthest point of Mutenda, Ipafu, Kalilo, Muchinshi, Musenga and Luano to easily transport their produce.

Mr Kang’ombe has commended Government for creating an enabling environment which has made it possible for local authorities countrywide to collect the much needed revenue.

The Mayor said the procurement of these two pieces of equipment just like the recent procurement of a tipper truck, a frontend loader, skip bins and the eight (8) vehicles from local revenue has had to call for saving and fiscal discipline.

“Chingola district has a total road network of 461km comprising of 298 km earth roads and 163km bituminous roads.  Therefore, the procurement of these two pieces of equipment will enable the local authority to work on the earth roads which are the larger portion of the road network in the district.

He has also commended the citizens of Chingola for the unwavering support in fulfilling obligations of paying what is owed to the council.

The Mayor also expressed gratitude to the two Members of Parliament for Nchanga and Chingola for their continued resolve to better the road network in the district by reserving funds under the 2023 CDF to procure another motor grader and a tipper truck for Chingola and Nchanga constituencies respectively.

And Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi said the achievement by the Local Authority cannot be over looked because not so long ago the Council acquired a tipper truck and front end loader using locally generated funds.

Mr Chimupi the grader could not have come at a better time than now when most if not all feeder roads in the district need urgent attention to enable farmers move their produce to markets.

He has urged councilors to priorities feeder roads and those roads leading to critical institution like health facilities and school.

And Chingola Town Clerk Namukolo Kalufyanya said that 2023 is the year of implementation for the council as various projects have been implemented under CDF empowerment loans and grants and completion of 2022 CDF projects.

The momentous occasion was attended by LAGZ Copperbelt Vice President who is also Mufurila Mayor Tanaeli Kamanga, Chililabombwe, Kalulushi, Mayors and Two Chingola Former Mayor’s Mr Kalebaila and Mr Titus Tembo.

And others were Heads of Government Departments, private corperates and members of DJOC and other invite Guests.