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The Independent Observer > Headlines > TWO WDF PROJECTS COMMISSIONED IN SOLWEZI


Solwezi Mayor Mr Remmy Kalepa has today commissioned an Ablution Block at Mushitala Clinic and a 1X2 Classroom block at Muzabula Primary School; projects that were financed using the 2022 Ward Development Fund (WDF).

Speaking during the handover ceremony of the toilet facility to the Ministry of Health at Mushitala Clinic, the Mayor expressed delight at the completion of the project indicating the Local Authority’s commitment to ensuring that water and sanitation systems in public places are provided as per directive by the Republican President.

Mr. Kalepa is optimistic that the ablution block will address the challenges associated with inadequate sanitation facilities at the clinic which previously did not have adequate toilets for patients that frequented the health facility.

He also noted that the learning facility constructed at Muzabula School will address the inadequate classrooms to accommodate old and new pupils as well as decongest existing classes.

His Worship the Mayor added that it is his desire to see all girls and boys in the district complete primary school and reach tertiary level because they too have a vital contribution to make to the development of Solwezi district and the nation at large.

Mr Kalepa urged both the Mushitala and Muzabula community members to take ownership of the two projects to ensure their longevity as they are meant for the community and not Government.