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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Indiscriminate garbage disposal worries Chililabombwe TC

Indiscriminate garbage disposal worries Chililabombwe TC

By Staff Writer
Chililabombwe Town Clerk George Mulenga says his concerned with the levels of indiscriminate disposal of garbage by unknown members of public in the district.

Early this week, the Town Clerk, accompanied by the Senior Health Inspector Mr Emmanuel Kasongo inspected some sites within the district that have huge piles of garbage that has been dumped indiscriminately by unknown individuals.

Mr Mulenga said that the accumulated waste in undesignated spaces may have stemmed from households and shops.

He also said that the Council will place some measures to curb these ruthless acts by unknown individuals.

“There is need to place some signage or block these areas so that no one else comes to dump waste indiscriminately here,” he said.

And CMC Senior Health inspector said that through the Department of Public Health an officer will be going round to inspect and warn residents to desist from vices of dumping waste indiscriminately.

CMC Assistant Public Relations Manager Nambela Kyombela said that the local Authority has sounded a warning to individuals that are in the habit of disposing waste indiscriminately to desist from such vices or face the wrath of the law.

Ms Kyombela said the Council has observed that some residents using different modes of transport (Tipper Trucks/Canters) are dumping waste in undesignated spaces

She said Management of waste is a collective responsibility of all stakeholders and community members are advised to subscribe to any Solid Waste management Company in the district to ensure effective management and disposal of waste.

“The Council will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who will be found dumping waste anywhere in an undesignated places,” she said.