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Social Cash Transfer rolled out on the Copperbelt

Copperbelt Province has rolled out the distribution of Social Cash transfer starting with Chililabombwe district who has seen 4872 beneficiaries receive money to enhance livelihood.

The Province has been funded for the January/February 2023 cycle, and cash fund amounting to K49, 499,200.00 to pay 88 481 households in the province has been released.

Speaking during the Launch and payments of social cash transfer funds in Chililabombwe Yesterday, Acting Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Daniel Kamenga said government has embarked on social cash transfer (SCT) to cushion high poverty levels, covid-19 and HIV/AIDS prevalence among its citizens.

Mr Kamenga said the programme is one of government’s major social protection strategies aimed at reducing extreme poverty among the vulnerable and incapacitated households.

“Government does not want to leave anyone behind hence the inclusion of people living with disabilities and 571 beneficiary households are from persons with disabilities,”he said.

The Acting permanent secretary said government is committed to uplifting the living standards of vulnerable persons in the province hence spending K296 995 200 annually on SCT.

He implored the beneficiaries to invest in productive ventures for now and for the future.

Mr Kamenga  also said that government has commenced the digitization of payment mechanisms in order to enhance accountability and transparency and fiduciary risks in the management of the program using the Zambia integrated social protection systems(ZISPIS).

And Chililabombwe District Commissioner Precious Njekwa said that SCT will help to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihood of so many people.

Ms Njekwa said that the role of the government is to easy the lives of it people in whatever way possible hence the need for the SCH program.

Serah Nkandu one of the beneficries expressed gratitude toward the government for this commendable job to help the poor in the society