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We are watching the Sugilite scandal Mundubile

By Staff Writer
Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile says the opposition in Zambia is closely monitoring one of Zambia’s latest revelations, the sugilite scandal. 

Mr Mundubile who is also PF Presidential Candidate said there should be no sacrificial lambs in ensuring that culprits involved in the sugilite scandal are thouroughly investigated and brought to book.

He said the scandal had come at a time when the UPND Government was preaching about not having any sacred cow in the fight against corruption.

Mr Mundubile was concerned that the scandal involved many Government officials including ordinary police officers and police intelligence officers.

“So there seems to be more to it than meets the eye. We want to implore Government to investigate this matter to a logical conclusion,” he said.

He said the scandal was an indictment on Government to see whether they would govern using the rule of law.

“There should be no discrimination in the manner that they will do these investigations. We are really eager to see to what extent the Government will go to punish those that are involved in this sugilite scandal,” he said.

Mr Mundubile spoke on the premise regarding the arrest and subsequent firing of Luapula Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Roy Mwansa, Nchelenge District Commissioner Musonda Mutepuka and Mwansabombwe District Commissioner Molton Sikazwe, on allegations of stealing sugilite.

Earlier, Four Police Officers were arrested in Kabwe for allegedly stealing the precious minerals,  sugilite, that they disguised as manganese when they were escorting the truck carrying the minerals.

Sugilite is a relatively rare pink to purple cyclosilicate mineral costing about $3000 per kilogram.