Wekateti Ubombe Cooperative in chingola’s Kalilo area says Constituency Development Funds (CDF) will uplift the livelihoods of people if used prudently.
Cooperative Chairperson Peter Yolamu said that CDF has many people who received the CDF in the area are doing well.
He said that his corporative has commended government for the constituency Development fund grants which has enabled them to go into livestock farming.
The cooperative Chairperson Peter Yolamu said that his cooperative was given a grand of K9050 last year and they have put it into livestock farming and started piggery.
Mr Yolamu said that the pigs they bought will soon be giving birth to more pigs and are expecting to grow their business.
He has urged other cooperatives to put the grants into good use and they will see the benefits.
“We started with three pigs but by the end of this year we are going to have more than 20 pigs and we want to expand and do other things when our business grows,” he said.
And John Mpemba the cooperative secretary said that people need to have commitement when they start something because no amount of money is too small to start a business with.
Mr Mpemba said some people may feel that the money looks small but when you put it into something then it will grow and expand.