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Taxi driver nabbed attempting to rape customer


A-Taxi-driver has been arrested for allegedly attempting to force himself on a-14-year-old girl of Lufyanyama who bordered his taxi on pay forward.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said that brief facts are that the victim was traveling alone from Kalulushi to Lufwanyama and boarded a taxi on pay forward after her father had spoken to the driver.

Mr Mweemba said the father to the victim was waiting for the child at Katembula area of Lufwanyama.

He said the Taxi had other passengers on boarded but when it reached Depot area all the other passengers dropped leaving only the driver and the victim girl who was sitting in the front seat and proceeding to Katembula area.

Mr Mweemba said when the vehicle reached Nampili area at a secluded place without houses; the driver parked by the roadside and asked the girl how old she was.

“She replied she was 14 but he refused saying she was older than that. He undressed himself by pulling his trousers to his knees while seated and held the girl’s left hand in an attempt to rape her. Sensing danger the girl opened the door for the vehicle and tried to jump out but the suspect held her hand firmly and started driving the vehicle while dragging her on the tarmac,” he said.

He said she managed to free herself from his grip and fell on the road.

Mr Mweemba said she woke up and ran in the opposite direction where she found another vehicle and the driver stopped and rushed her to Lufwanyama District Hospital while the suspect did a u-turn and sped off in the direction of Kalulushi.

“The matter was reported to the Police and the victim brought along. On examination she sustained a cut on the head, bruises on both knees, bruises on the left hand and bruises on the right leg,” he said.

He said the suspect was apprehended at the taxi rank in Kalulushi and currently detained at Lufwanyama Police Station.